Celebrating the work accomplished and looking forward to more in 2018!
Volunteer groups from across southeast Michigan partnered with us to restore homes and revitalize the community.
Thanks to your prayers and continuing support 2017 was a monumental year for LifeBUILDERS.
A record number of 8 newly renovated houses were provided to new tenants, vacant areas filled with blight were cleaned up and maintained, and construction began on a state of the art Head Start facility right here in Regent Park. In addition, LifeBUILDERS summer camp reached 85 students and continues to be a model camp for Regent Park children, encompassing educational and fun activities. 15 teens from our community were trained as counselors for our 2017 camp.
More highlights:
· Our Annual Gala in October at the historic Gem Theatre in Detroit was sold out. More financial support was received at the Gala than any single event in our history. We thank God for the generosity of so many.
· We received the largest number of grant commitments in our history allowing us to restore homes, remove blight and create new outdoor community spaces for our community and even hire key personnel.
· LifeBUILDERS was welcomed into the Ford Resource & Engagement Center at Fisher Magnet Middle School (right in our community) to bring our Liturgical Dance program to more youth in our community.
· Our Thanksgiving program was the most impactful in our history. Hundreds of families met their neighbors, were able to pray with LifeBUILDERS team-members, and received a full Thanksgiving dinner to prepare at home.
6 children now have scholarships to Parkway Christian with the goal to add more in 2018!
· 75 families were provided the opportunity to shop at our Christmas Store for new gifts that were donated by so many amazing LifeBUILDERS supporters. The Christmas Store is a unique opportunity for supporters to donate items and residents to purchase those items knowing that proceeds from their purchase are also giving back to the LifeBUILDERS mission.
· Three more children in our community received scholarships to Parkway Christian School. That makes a total of 6 Regent Park students now receiving scholarships to Parkway Christian School!
Here’s what’s ahead in 2018
· Expansion of a main community park that will be available for use to all residents. This park adjoins the Early Childhood Education (ECE) facility under construction right in the center of our community. We are calling this THE CAMPUS.
· Added programs and events for community residents to allow them to meet one another, hear God’s Word and continue to have hope restored in Regent Park. Our summer Tent Meetings at the park, senior exercise program (Holy Yoga) and youth initiatives are just a few of the activities that we plan to continue and grow in 2018.
· Added scholarships to Parkway Christian School increasing our investment in the lives of Regent Park youth. These scholarships offer an excellent Christian education, developing our next faithful leaders.
· Community revitalization projects working with volunteer groups to renovate outdoor spaces, vacant lots and remodel homes.
· Expanded Summer Camp Program to now offer Cooking Camp, Sports Camp, Computer Camp & More! Summer college internships and neighborhood youth again being trained as camp counselors.
There is so much happening here at LifeBUILDERS, it’s hard to just name a few items! We encourage you to come out and see for yourself, take a tour and see all that is happening! If you have friends or co-workers interested in a place to give back and truly see God’s work being done in a NE Detroit neighborhood, please have them reach out to us at info@LifeBUILDERSDetroit.com or by calling 313-401-5433. Spring and Summer housing renovation and community clean-up volunteer opportunities are plentiful. Be sure to follow us on Facebook or Twitter for more updates!
Many thanks, again, for your faithful partnership with us here at LifeBUILDERS.
Larry, Marilyn & LifeBUILDERS Team