THE SITUATION: Communitas is a Latin word that means an unstructured community where everyone is equal, it’s the very spirit of community.  At LifeBUILDERS, we believe that communitas is critical to the redevelopment of the Regent Park neighborhood and life transformation.  It’s about extending God’s love, locking arms with one another, and participating together in the restoration.  We believe that lasting change will happen faster when it happens from the inside out. Our work building communitas has replaced fear, isolation and inactivity with hope, relationships, and activism amongst the residents of our neighborhood.  

OUR GOAL is to lead the way by creating community-based programs and activities; building relationships with community residents to achieve a 60% annual participation rate amongst residents.

Programs currently in place to build Communitas include:

• Senior Citizen Program with monthly activities
• Annual Christmas Store
• Summer Sports League & Community Events
• Dedicated Community Liaison
• Community Block Clubs & Radio Patrol led by residents
• Repurposing of abandoned park into community space for youth and adults.
